3 Home Safety Mistakes to Avoid

Mary, an RN, shares three things you should avoid having in your home to prevent a fall.

Here are three things you should avoid in your home as you age to prevent falls.

  • Area rugs: The sides of an area rug come up often, making it easier to trip. If you're attached to one, make sure it's securely fastened to the floor with a non-slip pad.
  • Not having railing on your stairs: Every set of stairs should have a railing, including small steps. If you are in a situation where your stairs can't have a railing, Mary suggests leaning against the wall as you go down the stairs sideways to have support.
  • Keeping everyday items high up: Move any items you use daily, like cups, plates, and medications, to a lower level that doesn't require you to have to reach.

Read our full guide on home safety mistakes to avoid.