A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Paid as a Family Caregiver in Alaska: Exploring Medicaid and State Programs

If you're an adult child taking care of an elderly parent, relative, or friend in Alaska, you may be able to get paid for your work.
June 25, 2024
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In Alaska, people caregiving for elderly parents, relatives, or friends may be able to receive financial assistance for their work. There are a few different programs that family members who dedicate their time and energy to caregiving should explore to receive financial support.

We’ll review many of the available options in this guide, including the state's Personal Care Services Program.

Getting Reimbursed as a Family Caregiver in Alaska Through Medicaid

Alaska's Medicaid program covers about 250,000 residents, offering health insurance and medical assistance to those meeting specific income criteria. If you’re currently enrolled in Medicaid in Alaska, there are a few programs available that can help you get reimbursed for caregiving.

Note that to be eligible for these state-based support services, such as Medicaid Waivers, beneficiaries must first enroll in Medicaid. To get information on applying, click here.

Alaska Medicaid Personal Care Services Program

Personal Care Services provides support for about 2,000 Alaskan seniors and individuals with disabilities. It is provided statewide in Alaska through private agencies, and empowers patients to select and train their caregivers. (Note that spouses are not eligible under this program.)

The Consumer-Directed PCS Program (CDPCA) under Personal Care Services is what allows an individual to may manage his or her own care by selecting, hiring, firing and supervising their own personal care assistant.

If you’re currently enrolled in Medicaid, ask your case worker about the program and your eligibility. For additional questions, these contacts may be able to help:

  • Rodney George, Consumer Assessment Tool Review Unit Manager: (907) 269-3453, Fax: (907) 269-8164
  • Jerry Fromm: (907) 754-3458, Fax: (907) 269-8164

Alaskans Living Independently (ALI) Medicaid Waiver

The ALI Medicaid Waiver is one of the Home and Community Based Waiver Programs in Alaska. It’s designed to help elderly or disabled individuals stay at home instead of having to transition to a nursing home.

If you’re enrolled in Medicaid, check with your case worker to see if you’re eligible. Note that similar to the Personal Care Services Program, this waiver also does not allow spouses to be an eligible caregiver.

Alaska Department of Senior and Disability Services (ADSD)

Although the Alaska Department of Senior and Disability Services doesn’t reimburse family caregivers for their work, they offer valuable resources of caregivers, including respite services, resources, training, and support groups.

They have programs to support formal, informal, and family caregivers as they carry out their daily caregiving activities. A caregiver can be anyone from a helpful neighbor who provides daily check-ins or helps with small tasks, to a live-in family member who helps with activities of daily living.

Family and Medical Leave Insurance

The Alaska Family Leave Act is based on the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and ensures up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave annually for eligible employees. Employees are eligible for FMLA if they have worked for their employer for at least 12 months, and for at least 1,250 hours over that time.

While the leave is unpaid, the job protection aspect ensures that employees can return to their same or an equivalent job at the end of their leave period. The policy also maintains the employee's health insurance coverage under any group health plan on the same terms as if they had continued to work.

Contact Information for Family Caregiver Reimbursement in Alaska

If you have questions about Alaska’s state programs for caregiver reimbursement, try contacting the following offices:

Personal Care Assistance Program Staff:

  • Division of Senior & Disabilities Services in Anchorage: (907) 269-3666
  • Toll-Free Statewide: 1-800-478-9996

Alaska Medicaid Agency Main Office:

  • Administrative Operations Manager: (907) 465-1617, Fax: (907) 770-1684
  • Krystal Nichols, Medicaid Operations Manager: (907) 444-4375, Fax: (907) 269-4574
  • Address: 4601 Business Park Blvd, Bldg. K, Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7167

General Medicaid Inquiries:

  • Virtual Contact Center: 800-478-7778
  • Medicaid Recipient Helpline: 800-780-9972


Through Medicaid and other state initiatives, Alaska has a variety of programs to support family caregivers. These programs are designed to recognize the essential role caregivers play in Alaska and to ensure they receive support and compensation.

For detailed information and application processes, contact your Medicaid case manager or one of the relevant numbers listed above.

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